Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Harrison's 2nd Birthday, Christmas

Tonight Suzanna told me that I am the best mommy in the world, with no prompting at all! I felt like I had the best promotion of my life. Harrison's 2nd birthday party is tomorrow at Mance Park. I am very excited I can hardly sleep. His birthday fell on a Thursday morning. He slept in, ate peanute butter cookies for breakfast, watched his favorite movie, Finding Nemo. I took cupcakes to Ms. Diana's house and they sang Happy Birthday to him, which I also sang all the way there that morning.

He is full of energy and talking away. He actually wondered out of his room and is sitting next to me right now trying to sleep. I sneezed and he said bless you. Suzanna is still potty training, we are now matter of fact about it and just keep moving along no matter what. We shall see where that takes us.

Cade and Tessa came for a visit last weekend and we went to the Scripps Aquarium, what a treat, we will have to go back soon. Sunday we plan to go to Seaworld as Harrison loves fish!! Pictures to come.

Christmas came and went in a flash, it was over the weekend so no one skipped a beat. Harrison got an airport very cool which he loves. Suzanna got a real baby which pees, etc. I got them little books which they carry all over the place. Suzanna got a play kitchen as well. We made breakfast as usual and borrowed Grandma Sue's Christmas tree. Gma and Gpa drove from New mexico and stayed in our new place. Grandma sue cooked a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Christmas, just delicious with pecan pie!!

Mommy is still trying to lose weight. I am more determined than ever. Just blew it on a Friday night pizza binge but I will hit the gym soon.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Present for the Fam...updating the blog

I'm not sure if I'm going to add a post month by month with photos or what, but I am definatley going to work on this blog as my Xmas project. I just heard from a personal trainer that she thinks it's possible to lose my baby weight by the time Harrison turns two. Yes that would take much longer than I had ever dreamed it would, but if it happens that would make me as happy as winning the lottery. I'm serious! Oh yeah, on the the real part...the kids!!

Suzanna and Harrison had their first true infections today and went to the clinic for some amoxicilian. Suzanna had a real ear infection where she said last night that she had pain in her ear. It was very sad and she had a 101 degree fever. She had stayed at Grammy's house because grammy decided she would stay home from work and take care of them. Go grammy go!! We are so blessed to have a great grammy!

We are just as blessed to have a wonderful gma and gpa who drove all the way from NM for Thanksgiving to bring us new furniture!!! For our new place!!! I found the new place on craiglist. Oh yes. I got off topic. Yes kids, they are been growing a ton. They are now into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins so I will have to figure out how to get that stuff because we are NOT wasting money on cable.

Both of the kiddos love to color. Suzanna is drawing shapes and pictures and can do a pretty good portrait. Harrison, well, he adds lots of colors and has strong lines. I will finish more of this soon.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Update on the Dynamic Duo, Suzanna 2 1/2; Harrison 13 months

Shockingly, it's been too long since I've posted. Shame on me. Harrison is now 13 months old. We had a blended birthday party for him and Tobin who turned 30. We had a yummy ice-cream cake. Ryan and his girlfriend Nicole were there along with Uncle Scott and Grandma and Grandpa Sue and Randy. It was on the non-eventful side but I'm sure that will change over the years.

Harrison started walking at 9 months! He is very different from Suzanna. He is very rough and hits his large head all the time and never cries. Not that Suzanna was not a tough cookie, he just seems to be less aware and careful than she was.

Suzanna is an amazingly sweet young thing. She gives gentle kisses and huge, dramatic hugs which just about knock you over because she gets a running start. She started playing with fake food which she has been carrying around.

The pediatrician claims that Harrison should be talking more by now. He knows the word dada, cat and dog. We are getting his hearing tested in a few weeks just to make sure that everything is processing. We are thinking that because he started walking so quickly he developed more on the physical side instead of the verbal side.

Both of the kids love to play with Ollie who is as docile as ever with then. Every once and a while they get knocked over and swacked in the face with his tale. Suzanna's favorite movies are Annie and the Care Bears. Long gone are Tinkerbell and The Little Mermaid for now anyway. Both kids like the Baby Einstein Numbers DVD.

Harrison is a tremendous eater. Both kids are carb junkies and we are working on introducing more protein into their diets. Suzanna will eat chicken breast that we have been steaming. She will also eat raw spinach and other green things. Harrison mainly sticks to noodles and Grandma Sue often cooks rice noodles which may be healthier. Both of them love toast with butter in the morning and when they stay with Grandma Chris and Grandpa David they get the treat of jelly on their toast.

We have also been introducing Time Outs for Suzanna. Most of them have been for attacking Harrison or throwing objects in his direction. She seems to "get it". But we shall see. She throughs temper tantrums every now and then. But generally she is well behaved. We are still working on not running into the street. She has no fear about that, so it's definatley something that we have to be always aware of. It's quite scary that she doesn't get that yet, but we will keep on working.

And ah, the potty training. I haven't been to forceful or consistent. I just figure she'll get it when she's ready. She's really too big for diapers and deserves to go on the potty. So this is definately an area of work that we all need to work on.

I am training for the bar again and it's a hurdle I plan on conquering this time around. We are actually moving in with Randy and Susan so we can save on rent and not worry about that for a little while. Hopefully with some patience and understanding we can all live together without losing it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Suzanna's 2nd Birthday, 8/7/09

Harrison, 8 months old, Suzanna, 26 months

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Harrison One Month old

So here's a cutie shot of Harrison and suzanna about 18 months and Ollie is the same. I will update more typing soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Harrison David Lee Hughes

Some people think I should build another blog because we are only three hughes and we had a fourth. Harrison is now sleeping from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. How's that for Nanny 911 :) He was delivered by Dr. Robert Biter. He's a hoot from Pennsylvania! on Inauguration Day yet.
And he did a great job on the C-section.